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30 mark zoella and attitude audience question

 Exam Question -  What techniques do your chosen texts use to effectively  target and maximise their  online audiences ? ( 30)    Refer to both Zoella and Attitude. Zoella’s overall target audience is predominantly females aged 13-24 with the demographic of BC1C2. Zoella targets all of these audience categories in different ways. Her female dominated audience is targeted through her use of stereotypical female based activities. A lot of the content she creates is based around makeup, fashion, relationships and beauty which are all topics deemed more interesting to women. This reinforces more traditional stereotypes of  women as Zoella never really moves away from this type of content. The other side to Zoella’s content is the emotive side. Zoella suffers from anxiety and is very open about this. This creates verisimilitude as people can really relate to this and it’s a very real, serious topic. She often expresses her feelings and emotions on any day t...
 Zoella Representations on her blog feel less constructed and more real. Makes an effort to keep vlogs/blogs authentic and be as ‘real’ as possible - shows off all of life not just positive impacts. Blog/vlog - self representation so can be biased. Unlikely to show self in a negative light. 4.8 million youtube subscribers 9.7 million instagram followers - 1.2 million on Zoella account 3 books - first book: Girl Online sold 78,109 copies in the first week breaking the record for highest sales by a debut author. homeware and beauty ranges with boots estimated wealth of £4.7 million - £600.000 a year from both channels psychographics of audience in terms of lifestyle - single, young, heterosexual  socio-economic target - B - middle class groups (promotes expensive products) and E because students are her main audience and young girls aspire to be like her. age of target audience - 13-24. 13+ because technology is very popular amongst the young. sanitised content. targeted gender ...
 Zoella audience in detail banduras media effects theory - Zoella injects messages into the minds of a passive audience, for example her constantly made up appearance injects the message that females should look a certain way. baudrillards theory of postmodernism - Zoella promotes consumer culture. her vlogs reinforce hegemony - relationships and conforming to stereotypical femininity. bell hooks feminist theory - Zoella subverts the conventional woman by having her own successful business - feminism, ending patriarchy BUT she contributes to patriarchy by staying at home and being dependent on a man. gauntlett’s identity theory - young audience may take aspects of Zoella’s identity and use them to build their own. parasocial interaction - viewers feel they can identify with her. george gerbners cultivation theory - the more her audience see the representation of Zoella’s perfect life the more they will believe them to be true. stuart halls reception theory - preferred reading: zoel...
 6th jan work - The Bridge Introduction main character: name - Saga Norén role - introduced as a member of the Malmö County Police Department in the first episode of the series. lead homicide detective in Malmö. has knowledge in forensic pathology. type of investigator - hardcore investigator  methods / personality - Saga was written to be a woman completely lacking in social skills. she is perceived to have Asperger’s Syndrome due to her emotionally detached tendencies and perceptions of problems in the world around her. minimal use of makeup, leather trousers, olive green military coat. blunt, nearly always telling the truth even if it risks hurting her or others. unintentionally rude or insensitive. direct and logical. finds it hard to empathise but not malicious (AS?)  expresses emotions differently. strict adherence to rules, greatly devoted to her job. doesn’t like physical contact retreats away from strangers or ‘outsiders’. history/childhood/background - sister Je...
 Nordic / Scandinavian Noir - crime drama generally written from pov of police and set in Scandinavia or Nordic countries - murky atmosphere, dark narratives, flawed protagonists - The Killing / The Bridge / Bordertown ect. - distinctive and appealing style - realistic, simple, precise - tackles a murder mystery that is linked with several storylines and themes such as investigation of dark underbelly of modern society - dimly lit aesthetic, slow melancholic pace, multi layered storylines - often features a mix of bleak naturalism and disconsolate locations