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Showing posts from February, 2021
 Zoella Representations on her blog feel less constructed and more real. Makes an effort to keep vlogs/blogs authentic and be as ‘real’ as possible - shows off all of life not just positive impacts. Blog/vlog - self representation so can be biased. Unlikely to show self in a negative light. 4.8 million youtube subscribers 9.7 million instagram followers - 1.2 million on Zoella account 3 books - first book: Girl Online sold 78,109 copies in the first week breaking the record for highest sales by a debut author. homeware and beauty ranges with boots estimated wealth of £4.7 million - £600.000 a year from both channels psychographics of audience in terms of lifestyle - single, young, heterosexual  socio-economic target - B - middle class groups (promotes expensive products) and E because students are her main audience and young girls aspire to be like her. age of target audience - 13-24. 13+ because technology is very popular amongst the young. sanitised content. targeted gender ...
 Zoella audience in detail banduras media effects theory - Zoella injects messages into the minds of a passive audience, for example her constantly made up appearance injects the message that females should look a certain way. baudrillards theory of postmodernism - Zoella promotes consumer culture. her vlogs reinforce hegemony - relationships and conforming to stereotypical femininity. bell hooks feminist theory - Zoella subverts the conventional woman by having her own successful business - feminism, ending patriarchy BUT she contributes to patriarchy by staying at home and being dependent on a man. gauntlett’s identity theory - young audience may take aspects of Zoella’s identity and use them to build their own. parasocial interaction - viewers feel they can identify with her. george gerbners cultivation theory - the more her audience see the representation of Zoella’s perfect life the more they will believe them to be true. stuart halls reception theory - preferred reading: zoel...